Passion is defined as: "Vehement desire for something." For us, it is the maximum expression of attachment. In this case, not to the stopper, which is the medium and the message, but to the wine, which is our true obsession. A passion for wine means respect, admiration, sacrifice, preoccupation. An intense and constant effort to offer you the best of ourselves: a means of remaining permanently loyal to the quality and art with which it was conceived. Our form of understanding the cork stopper can be explained in a single phrase: A passion for wine.
Obviously, this is the sensitive dimension of our work, the spirit that inspires our activity, which culminates in a technical and human process that involves the ability to pamper cork from the very outset.
Thus, the selection of cork, the moment of its stripping from the trees, the care with which it is preserved, the detail in stopper cutting, control and selection, the storage and transportation in stainless steel containers, the humidity control, the organoleptic analysis process and the responsibility and counselling from shipping all the way through to bottling, make up the technical component of this passion.
In order to understand this obsession and devotion, it is necessary to understand what it means to our group to be the repository of almost 130 years of manufacturing quality cork stoppers for still wines.
From this perspective, the elimination of undesirable flavours, dust, and TCA, the washing with non-aggressive detergents, transportation in controlled-atmosphere bags, troubleshooting and fast response to all situations are but the translation into service of this commitment to our clients and this passion for their products.
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